Tuesday, November 10, 2015

How to govern your emotions

 "You can not control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you." ~ Brian Tracy
        As humans we have a beautiful spectrum of emotions that help us along our journey. They don’t make or break us but they can if you let them get the best of you. Emotions are not good or bad. They’re not a woman or a man thing. We all have emotions because we’re human. Emotions are energy in motion and they help us to decide right from wrong. In today’s world I’ve come to the conclusion that emotions are looked at as a bad thing and a woman thing but this is not true. Every since you were born you’ve had emotions. It was the only way you could communicate to the world at the time before you could talk. So why is it that some people are emotionally unstable? Why do some people go on a rampage and go crazy do to suppression?
      I believe this goes along with the saying ‘know thy self.” If you don’t know yourself then you can’t help yourself and if you can’t help yourself, you can’t help anybody else.  Sometimes as humans we don’t realize that we are suffering. We bottle our emotions up just to save face in front of the world but the core of who we really are suffers. Sometimes people won’t reveal vulnerability because of the fear of shame or rejection. We fear that if people really knew who we were they wouldn’t like us but why should we care. I understand that no one wants to be alone but walking around with a mask is not the solution.  For some of us it’s really challenging to pretend to be something that they are not. This can be labeled as being sensitive or caring too much about what others think.
       I myself am very sensitive but I’ve learned a lot about coping with my emotions and realized that I have the power to say no to any external emotions from other people.  We all have situations in our life that internally make us feel different ways and without knowing it sometimes we unwillingly project these feelings unto other people. It’s all a personal thing for each individual...This is why it is important not take things people say and do personally. Although this is easier said than done, we must take responsibility for how we react to things. Yes we’ve all been guilty of making someone feel disappointed or happy at some point and time in our lives. Rather it was intentional or not we can only be responsible for how we feel at the time that this occurs.
So how do you control your emotions?  How do you know when to say no to other people’s emotions? Here’s some of the ways I’ve learned to deal with my emotions.
·         Let your emotions pass through you without judgment. This means acceptance of how you feel.  Take a deep breath and recognize what you feel and why. Accept that it is what it is and move on.
·         Look for a solution to make you feel better. If you are angry or disappointed about something, you must learn to transform this energy into something else. One way to do this by moving around or into your body by stretching or hitting a punching bag, jump and jacks or by simply walking. By doing this you move that energy somewhere else and forget about it.
·         Exercise and a good diet help you to have a great mood and sharp mind to be ready for someone with low energy that tries to bring your day down.
·         Take full responsibility for how you are feeling. Don’t play the blame game or point the finger. Always look at what part you played and learn from it.
·         Learn to love yourself 100%. Accept that you are the way you are and don’t change for anybody but yourself. We all are striving to be greater versions of ourselves but first you must love and accept the flaws that you come with.
·         Don’t be too hard on yourself but speak to yourself with positive words of encouragement and love.

Always remember that life is all about perception. The way you perceive things is the way that it will be. There is no right or wrong way of viewing things just perception. When someone has an opinion, they're just telling you how they see it from their point of view. This goes with how they were raised, to their beliefs and values. So when it comes down to it, we must learn to respect each other’s views and feelings but most importantly respect and understand our own because that’s what truly matters.

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