Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Can We All Just Get Along! Isis Attacks..

“Let love guide you, not fear” ~ Ralph Smart
Recently the Isis attacks have been in the news and I am very saddened by this. My heart goes out to the families of the people that died and the people that were hurt. I hate to see that we have come this far and we still haven’t gotten over our differences. As a human race we should love and help one another but yet and still we fight over meaningless things that will not help us evolve as a human race. One thing I’ve come to understand is that our different believes sometimes hinder us from really getting to know each other.  I feel believes are so small compared to a lifetime of love and growth that we could share with one another.
Why is that we focus so much on the negative things but not on the positive ones? I believe it’s the ego. The satisfaction we feel of wanting to be right all the time. Not being able to surrender to the fact that we may not know everything and somebody else’s opinions may have valid points. What is the point when so many people die and there is still no solution? Divided we are weak and together we are strong. Always remember that it is easier to divide and conquer.
When I was younger I never understood why there was so much war and hate in the world. I was discriminated against at the age of 3 and it really took a toll on my thoughts of the world. I didn’t understand why small things like race or religion was such a big deal but now I understand that deep down a lot of people are hurting, so they do and say mean things to make themselves feel better. Although it’s it may be a temporary satisfaction for them, they continue to do it because it falsely fills a void for them. Otherwise why do it? I believe that sometimes our ego can get in the way or who we really are. Underneath all the masks we wear and roles we play, we are just human beings trying to find our way in this world. We all want to be loved and to love and be accepted by those we care about.  Some of us just have a funny way of showing it. Unfortunately many of the innocent get caught in the crossfire of peoples judgment, believes and misunderstandings of their world within. It doesn’t make what they do fair and it certainly doesn’t make it right.
So where do we stand as the human race? Will you choose to continue to fight or love? There are so many truths that are hidden leading us to believe lies and hate each other for it. It’s time to choose to be beyond the madness and believe that we can rise above it. It’s time to believe that we are more than what this world or anybody thinks of us. We are beyond measure because we say so and we know so. We do better because we choose to do better. Only you have the power to rise above it all and choose love. What are your thoughts on this terrible event that has taken place? Comment below

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