Friday, November 20, 2015

How to stay in your zone
                 " Enjoy the moment for it will be gone in an instant." ~Andrea Anderson

     Do you ever feel like you need balance in your life? If you’re anything like the average working person, work can be crazy nonstop drama at times. It seems like you see the people at work more than you see your family and the weekends fly by like sweet dreams that never last. With all this being said it can be a headache to get ready for the same old ritual every week. The routine of getting up, wearing the same clothes that you washed over and over again, seeing the same people and smiling at strangers like everything is great  because it’s your job. Real life in the corporate world is not all sunshine and daisies. Sometimes you just want to say Stop!!! Of course the world doesn’t stop because no one’s listening.  So how can we balance our lives with all this going on?  Here are some tips that's helped me along my journey.

·         Wake up and try to do a 5 to 10 minute exercise. This moves your body from the stiffness of sleeping all night. Yoga is perfect for this as well.

·         Eat a well balanced breakfast to get your metabolism going for the day. You could eat an apple, a piece of toast and a scrambled egg with orange juice or water.

·         Get a good morning laugh in if you can. It definitely helps start your day off right and also helps you to not take life so seriously.

·         Find a place inside of your mind where you like to go to when you don’t have to work and try to focus on that moment in time through out your day. Remember that this is why you work so hard so you can enjoy those moments.

·         Enjoy the present moment and try to make the most of your day because it will gone in an instant. Although the work day seems long, our lives are still passing us by. So it’s good to try to make the most of it.

·         Be honest about how you feel.  If you feel something except it and move on. You have the freedom to be who you want to be at any given time but you have the responsibility of choice, so chose wisely.

·         Appreciate everything that is.  Believe it or not, you’re in your situation because you put yourself there. If you know you can do better.

·         Embrace and except how you feel. Feelings are just feelings and there is no wrong or right when it comes to this. Let them pass through but most of all try to understand where they come from.

·         Every day after work try to unwind and go to that place of peace. Don’t waste your time thinking about what happened because it’s just a waste of energy. Reflect on it and move on.

·         Relax and let go of things and people that don’t serve you. If it’s not contributing to your well being, then it’s not for you so just let it go.

·         Last but not least, love yourself and except yourself completely. Remember that you are your own best friend. Forget how other people feel about you because its not your business or responsibility to know there thoughts. Concentrate on getting your mind right and creating balance in your life. It's a freeing feeling to not care how everyone else feels about you. Trust me.

One thing I’ve learned about myself is that it’s hard for me to fake anything. I’m not a good liar, so when I’m having a bad day it’s just a bad day and I deal with it accordingly. I would always try to fight how I really felt on the inside to please the world but I came to a point in my life where I had to tell myself to stop. Now I go to that place in my mind where I feel safe. A place inside where I can still be myself and function the way society wants me to. Of course this is easier said than done but with daily practice this can be achieved.

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